Management Strategies

Management Plans

Environmental Management System

The Tropicana Environmental Management System outlines the policies, standards and procedures which have been developed and will be adopted to meet the requirements of the ISO14001. Tropicana is certified against the ISO 14001 standard. The underlying driver of the EMS is the value it provides as a compliance and risk management tool. The EMS provides a mechanism for identifying legal requirements, potential risks to the environment and risks to the business in a systematic manner so that effective controls can be developed and implemented as required.


During the environmental impact assessment, a series of management strategies were developed to ensure that the impacts of activities associated with the mine on the natural values observed within the Great Victoria Desert region were minimised. These have been streamlined during operations, with the current management plans and strategies summarised below.

Threatened Species and Community Management Strategy

This provides the framework for managing threatened species and communities located within the Tropicana Gold Mine disturbance area and forms part of the EMS. Specifically this strategy identifies and describes threatened flora and fauna species that have been confirmed to occur within the project footprint or surrounding area; identifies and describes threatened fauna species that have suitable habitat in the project footprint and its surrounds, but have not been confirmed as present to date; identifies threatened vegetation communities that occur within the project footprint or in its surrounds; identifies the risks associated with the construction and operation of the project to the threatened species and communities; and proposes mitigation and management techniques to minimise the impact of the project on threatened species and communities.

Operations Environmental Management Plans

The EMS contains several Environmental Management Plans which cover Waste, Water, Biodiversity, Land and Air Quality management practices as well as Environmental Monitoring programmes.

Tailings and Cyanide Management Plans

Tropicana uses cyanide for in the gold processing circuit and is maintains certification against the International Cyanide Code. The TJV maintains and operates under both a Tailings and Cyanide Code Management Plan. These plans provide the framework for managing environmental, health and safety issues associated with tailings and infrastructure including the Tailings Storage Facility (TSF). AGAA are also compliant to the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management and the Australian National Committee on Large Dams guidelines.

It is applicable to all employees and contractors working in the processing and tailings facilities and covers planning, the design, operation and rehabilitation/de-commissioning of the TSF and related infrastructure.

The environmental objectives for the management of processing waste, and more specifically the TSF, include permanent and secure containment of all solid waste materials; removal and reuse of free water; minimisation of seepage; effective and secure transportation of tailings to the TSF; ease of operation; prevent loss and poisoning of wildlife; and compliance with all applicable legislation and other obligations such as the International Cyanide Management Code.

Mine Closure Plan

This Plan provides the framework for managing closure and rehabilitation requirements over the life of the Tropicana Gold Mine and forms part of the EMS while also meeting regulatory requirements under the Mining Act. The post-mining aim for the project is land capable of sustaining native vegetation appropriate to the modified landforms and available rehabilitation materials. Where public safety hazards (e.g underground workings) remain, these areas will be restricted.  The MCP is reviewed at a minimum of triennially in accordance with DMIRS requirements.