The TJV’s environmental objective for Tropicana is to establish a mine for the future that meets the environmental and social expectations of current and future stakeholders by preventing or limiting impacts on the environmental values of the local area.
Recognising the absence of broad scale environmental studies in the Great Victoria Desert, the TJV commissioned extensive surveys to put regional context around the data being collected on the areas proposed for impact. The work resulted in a significant increase in the knowledge of the biology and geology of the area.
Surveys have been undertaken over each project area including the infrastructure corridors (Pinjin and Tropicana-Transline) and the water supply area (Minigwal trough).
A study was also undertaken on the economic benefits the region would obtain from Tropicana.
Since the initial Public Environmental Review, a number of supplementary surveys and analysis for terrestrial and subterranean fauna to specifically address issues raised by DEC’s Environmental Management Branch (now split into the Department of Environment Regulation and the Department of Parks and Wildlife) have been undertaken. These included habitat and fragmentation assessment for Sandhill Dunnarts, Marsupial Moles, Mygalomorph spiders and Troglofauna.