
The TJV has adopted an adaptive and outcome-focused approach to environmental management to ensure continuous improvement.

The Environmental Monitoring Strategy provides an overview of all environmental monitoring that will occur over the life of the Tropicana Gold Mine. The actual monitoring methods may change over the life of the project as more appropriate technologies and methodologies become available. This monitoring strategy forms part of the mine’s Integrated Management System (IMS) which ensures the effective management of all health, safety, environment, community and operational issues associated with the mine.

The Environmental Monitoring Strategy includes the provision of a monitoring protocol designed to assess the indirect impacts of the project on flora and vegetation. As part of this, monitoring sites will be established within a 200 metre buffer zone around the disturbance footprint within the Operational Area, and within 100m of the disturbance footprint of the Mine Access Road and Water Supply Area. Reference monitoring sites have also been established to enable the TJV to determine if changes in environmental values are attributable to the project or natural variations.

If monitoring shows a 25% impact (or greater) deviation from the reference sites in more than one monitored parameter, the TJV will investigate the cause. If the cause can be attributed to project activities, rather than an environmental cause like sporadic rain, new management measures will be developed and implemented.